- ADvancing States “State COVID-19 & Influenza Vaccination Initiatives -- Promising Practices". To learn about states’ promising practices and strategies to encourage uptake of the vaccines among older adults and individuals with disabilities, ADvancing States surveyed state members about their initiatives, including partnerships, outreach and promotions, and methods to reduce vaccine hesitancy. Using the results of this survey, we developed a list of promising practices. This resource reflects the information states sent in response to the survey and will be periodically updated as we receive more information. If you would like to update your state or submit new information, please contact khelferkoester@advancingstates.org.
- Examples of Partner Organizations for Vaccine Programs
- Outreach and Engagement Resources for Vaccine Programs - Outreach and Engagement Resources for Vaccine Programs, including links to information from the Administration for Community Living (ACL), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
- Federal Alerts and Guidance:
- CMS Waivers, Flexibilities, and the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- CDC's Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccines
- HHS' Bridge Access Program for COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for no-cost COVID-19 vaccines for the uninsured.
- Current Emergencies, including clinical and technical guidance.
- COVID-19 Resources