I&R/A Webinars

Woman on phone

The I&R Support Center hosts webinars on a regular basis with I&R Specialists concerning topics of interest to those who work in the field of aging and disability Information and Referral/Assistance. Webinars are recorded and are available for on-demand viewing at no cost on ADvancing States IQ, our online learning center. Webinar presentations and any handouts are available with the webinar recordings. If you are new to ADvancing States IQ, simply create an account for yourself to access recorded webinars. See the table below for available webinars; search functions allow you to find webinars by keyword, content category, or year. Click the title of the webinar to access the recording and materials on IQ. 

Information on upcoming webinars is disseminated through the I&R Center’s distribution list; to join, please click here


I&R Webinars

Title Description Date

The Evolution of a Quality Assurance Process

Disability Hub MN is a statewide resource network that helps people with disabilities solve problems, navigate the system, and plan for the future. Disability Hub MN has spent the last two years developing a new Quality Assurance process for evaluating phone calls and chats taken by Options Counselors. In this webinar, presenters will explore why a change was needed, what the vision was, the process it took to get there, and continued efforts to improve the Hub’s Quality Assurance process.

IQ Category: Advancing Quality

September 14, 2022
Advancing Health Equity

Advancing equity is a guiding principle for many programs that serve individuals and families, from gathering diversity data to addressing disparities in access to programs that meet social and health needs. Join this webinar for cross-system learning on advancing health equity. NORC at the University of Chicago is undertaking several important projects to understand how state Medicaid agencies are advancing health equity and will present findings on state Medicaid efforts in areas including:
- The extent to which social determinants of health are documented in state Medicaid data and state strategies for creating an environment that supports the documentation of that data,
- The state of race, ethnicity, and language data collection and state strategies for improving the collection of this data, and
- A framework for how state Medicaid agencies can advance health equity within their own programs and promote Medicaid system transformation towards health equity.

IQ Category: Consumer Access to Services

June 29, 2022
Resources and Programs for Blind and Low-Vision People

Does your agency serve callers who are blind, low-vision, or losing vision? Join this webinar to hear from the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), the nation’s largest and oldest organization of blind Americans with affiliates in all fifty states plus the District of Colombia and Puerto Rico. The NFB offers information, community, programs, and resources to people who are blind and those losing vision, including older adults. Learn about the types of inquiries that individuals reach out for help with; programs and resources through NFB; and examples of solutions for everyday living in the community.

IQ Category: Consumer Access to Services

May 26, 2022
Strengthening Service Delivery through Trauma-Informed Care Training

Program leaders from Texas Health and Human Services will describe a three-part training series on person-centered, trauma-informed care for Texas’ aging service providers. While this training, informed by the needs and experiences of Holocaust survivors, was developed for service providers, the care techniques and methods are best practices that improve the quality of care of all older adults.

IQ Category: Consumer Access to Services

February 24, 2022
Making a Difference: The Power of Telephonic Support

This webinar includes presentations from two telephonic support programs providing connection and reassurance to older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers – the Tennessee Care through Conversation program and Keeping Independent Seniors Safe (“KISS”) operated by Valley Area Agency on Agency. 

IQ Category: Community Integration

January 25, 2022
Policy Roundup for I&R/A Professionals This webinar provides a policy roundup for I&R/A professionals. The webinar covers key policy developments over the past year and addressed what may lie ahead for 2022. The presentation helps strengthen understanding of how federal policy continues to respond to the pandemic and what could change in the months to come. The webinar offers insight into new funding for HCBS and implications for community services. View the presentation slides here. December 16, 2021
Supporting People Living with Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Burn Injury

This webinar explores what it is like to have an SCI, TBI, or burn injury. Panelists then showcase the variety of free research-based resources that the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) has developed in collaboration with the SCI, TBI, and Burn Model System researchers.

IQ Category: Consumer Access to Services

October 21, 2021
