Training materials

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Self-Advocate Leadership Network – Website

Looking for an organization that provides training and resources for self-advocates? This network’s goal is to prepare self-advocates for leadership roles in guiding developmental disabilities systems change in ways that promote self-determination, community integration and participant-driven supports. The organization developed “My Voice, My Choice,” a curriculum described in detail on the website, which also includes toolkits, training opportunities and more.

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Increasing Person-Centered Thinking: Improving the Quality of Person-Centered Planning

Are you looking for ways to improve the quality of person-centered plans? This manual was developed to help improve the facilitation process around PCP. Most of the information uses the foundation of Personal Futures Planning, and the training provides an overview of the fundamental concepts and principles underlying this approach to planning. The manual is intended to be used as a resource in training programs.

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Corporate Job Development Training – Indiana

How are state MIG programs reaching out to the business community? The state of Indiana created a training curriculum to help promote the hiring of people with disabilities. The attached samples include business outreach models currently offered by companies, the LOWE’S “Building A New Future” project, disability awareness training for Walgreens, business development of rural providers, a form template for worksite analysis, and coaching and natural support ideas training.

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MIG Program Work Product Samples – Nevada

Looking for job skills training materials? The state of Nevada created the attached work program samples. They include a class outline booklet, sample completion certificate, high school letter, job skills brochure, job skills flyer, programmatic report, resume template and short biography template. These templates could be useful to other MIG states interested in this approach to job skills training.

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Member’s Guide to Coverage, Services and Supports – Louisiana

Find a sample Member's Guides to a MIG program. The state of Louisiana created the attached reference guide to help consumers understand the Medicaid Purchase Plan, its benefits and services. Some of the topics included are eligibility, Medicaid rights, responsibilities to Medicaid, covered services and helpful contacts. This can serve as an example that could be useful to other states interested in providing similar information to consumers.

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Employment Curriculum – Louisiana

How are states educating and marketing to consumers about work incentive programs for people with disabilities? Through a series of informational documents, Louisiana summarizes Disability Benefits & Work, Finding a Job, Knowing your Rights, Support, Taxes, Ticket to Work, and Transition after High School programs. Samples of these documents are attached and could be useful templates for other states interested in similar projects and marketing approaches.

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A Guide to Memorandum of Understanding Negotiation and Development

Through the use of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), agreements between agencies can be formalized. This paper discusses the process an agency should follow to develop interagency MOUs and presents examples of MOUs which can be used as models. It was originally prepared for the agencies participating in the National Long Term Care Channeling Demonstration Program, but has since been widely adapted and disseminated.

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Spanish Training Manual - Michigan

What are states doing to address language barriers in implementing their MIG programs? The state of Michigan created a Supported Self-Employment Training Manual in Spanish that extensively covers the history, details and resources of their program. This manual also includes forms in Spanish. It is available for download and could serve as a helpful template or outline for other MIG states.

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From Entitlement to Eligibility - Utah

What are states doing to address the needs of individuals with learning disabilities in school and beyond? Utah gave the attached presentations at the Learning Disabilities Association National Conference to address the diverse services available across the lifetime of an individual with learning disabilities. They include various Utah resources and could be useful to other MIG states interested in this demographic.

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Employing and Retaining Individuals with Disabilities - Utah

Providing employers with the resources to make hiring and retaining employees with disabilities a more common practice is one approach Utah is taking to ensure more successful programs. The attached presentation to employers was given at a semi-annual Employer Workshop, to provide information and support to employers about hiring and retaining employees with disabilities. It includes information, success stories and resources. It is an approach that could be useful to other MIG states.

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