Training materials

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Basically CDBG - Course Training Manual

This training manual guides Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grantees in the implementation of local CDBG programs. This manual covers essential topics ranging from CDBG's national objectives to the details of administration. The manual includes 20 topical chapters that clearly delineate the application process, eligible grant activities, various CDBG programs and their standards, as well as performance measurement and reporting.

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Health Information Technology Successes-You Tube Channel

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has a new YouTube channel. It shows successful health information technology projects that focus on ways to enhance quality measurement, preventive care & medication management. These videos provide insights for health services researchers, health care providers and patient advocates on how AHRQ research supports the use of health IT to improve quality, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of care.

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LGBT Train the Trainer Curriculum

PHI, in partnership with Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Elders (SAGE) created a “train the trainer” curriculum for long term care providers and other aging organizations. These trainings are available through the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging. These trainings assist organizations in creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for their elders who are LGBT and provide best practices and knowledge of LGBT elder issues, concerns, and fears.

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Supported Employment Pre-Service Training - Florida

How is the state of Florida educating Supported Employment providers on the history of Supported Employment, important rules and regulations, and important skills needed in this field? Attached is just one example. Explore this Supported Employment Pre-Service Training Instructor’s Guide for a mandatory 12 hour training held for all providers to learn more about how these individuals are being prepared to provide these needed services. May be replicable by other states with similar programs.

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Personal Assistance Services at the Workplace - Alabama

The use of PAS as a workplace support is a relatively new innovation. Because of its newness, many persons with disabilities and employers tend to get confused about how workplace PAS is different from more standard personal assistance services or personal attendant care. The most important distinctions between PAS and Workplace PAS are related to where the services are provided and for what purpose. To learn more, explore the attached project report, brochure, and websites.

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ADRC Options Counseling Training - Nevada

Are you looking to develop an Options Counseling training program? Explore Nevada's training materials including a presentation with information on what options and benefits counseling are, efficient ways to establish dialogue with a consumer, tips on conducting the Nevada Options Assessment, a listing of public resources and funding options. Also included are a role playing activity and a pre-test to obtain a baseline measure of knowledge.

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Transition to Adult Life for Students with Disabilities

This guidebook explains what schools need to do when providing transition services to youth with disabilities. It is written to parents with a primary emphasis on the legal rights of students with disabilities during the transition years. Although developed for residents of Pennsylvania, much of the information can be useful for assisting individuals in other states as well.

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