Training materials

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Employment Choices for Individuals: Work Part-time, Full-time, or Not At All

How can states create employment choices for individuals with disabilities? Arkansas Career Training Institute is a Vocational Rehabilitation Center whose mission is to provide vocational training and employment opportunities to adult clients with disabilities. This presentation on work incentives was given to staff at the ACTI. It gives an overview of the state programs available and explains how they work. This could be a useful resource to other states with MIG programs.

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Training for Physicians-Clinical Decision-Making - Arizona

Can physicians help prevent needless work disability? Evidence-based clinical decision-making that helps patients start, stay at, or return to work, is the topic of this presentation. Given to the medical community, it outlines work related issues that may not seen to be a medical issue, but should be, and how to assess this. This presentation is focused on preventing needless work disability, providing resources and takeaway tools, and includes a survey.

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Hilo Benefits Information Outreach – Hawaii

How is Hawaii providing its disabled population with benefits information? In the attached slide presentations, Hilo Benefits Information Outreach covers disability programs, work incentives and self employment work incentives for self-employed clients and case managers. These presentations for Hawaii’ s MIG program could be useful to other states implementing similar programs.

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Live Well At Home Program Rapid Screen©

Review the screening tool and instructions for the The Live Well At Home Program Rapid Screen©, used to identify the risk of older persons for nursing home admission and/or spend down to Medical Assistance. Upon completion of the Rapid Screen© the older person will know their risk category and have a list of up to seven identified evidence-based risk factors. Background information on the project can be obtained through their website.

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Employed Persons with Disabilities - Oregon

How can MIG programs be more successful in helping clients? One approach Oregon has taken is training its employment and residential providers, case managers, brokerages and office of developmental disability service staff. The attached presentation is one of their training tools and explains how their program works, including the benefits to both clients and brokers. The presentation provides examples that could be helpful to other states with MIG programs.

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Employed Persons with Disabilities Changes - Oregon

Because the MIG grant program is relatively new, flexibility is needed to help programs evolve successfully. One way Oregon has addressed changes in its program is by creating fact sheets. The attached example explains important changes in definition and introduces a new payment structure. It was provided to recipients, professional staff, stakeholders and the general public, and could be useful to other states with MIG programs.

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Cross-Training for Promoting Work – Alabama

Designed to train CWICs and Case Managers, this collection of training materials gives an overview of the Alabama MIG grant, emphasizing cross-collaboration. Cross-collaboration explains how waiver service coordinators and CWICs can partner, as well as the process of making referrals, consent to share information requirements, and the role of MIG Staff. This emphasis on training collaboration could serve as a guide to other states with MIG programs looking to do the same.

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Winning the Employment Game! – Utah

How can teachers of students with severe disabilities incorporate employment training into their curriculum? Utah used its MIG funding to provide training to these teachers. A presentation containing an overview of types of employment training in schools and myths about employment of people with disabilities is available here. Presented at a State conference, this presentation could provide valuable information and examples to other states addressing these same concerns.

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Working! Incentives and Supports – Utah

This training tool was presented to students in the Projects With Industries training program, whose purpose is to create and expand job/career opportunities for individuals with disabilities. It provides an overview of Ticket to Work, work incentives, and other work supports. Whether interested in similar training programs, or the details of the programs themselves, this presentation could be a valuable resource to other states looking to allocate or initiate MIG funding for training purposes.

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Employment and People with Disabilities - Utah

How well are employment agencies and service providers addressing the needs of the disabled community? Funded by the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, Work Ability Utah has developed a presentation to provide a general overview of disability etiquette and work incentives to these agencies. This presentation could be a helpful example for other states and is provided for download here.

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