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MAC and BAC Implementation Toolkit

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a toolkit for Medicaid agencies as they implement the Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC) and Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC) provisions of the Access Rule. The toolkit includes strategies and considerations that can help states identify ways to meet the new requirements. Many examples included are taken from strategies that states have used previously for Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC) design and operation. The toolkit covers MAC and BAC composition, effective planning and execution of MAC and BAC meetings, and promoting transparency of meetings.

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Updated Viral Respirator Pathogens Toolkit for Nursing Homes

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated the resource, Viral Respiratory Pathogens Toolkit for Nursing Homes. This toolkit helps nursing home infection preventionists and leadership prepare for and respond to nursing home residents or health care personnel who develop signs or symptoms of a respiratory viral infection. The CDC has extensively updated the resources section, including links to information on this season’s vaccine recommendations, testing and treatment, billing and payment, and infection prevention and control. While the toolkit is tailored toward nursing homes, the resources and many of the listed actions could be adapted for use in other long-term care settings.

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Informational Bulletin on State Compliance with Medicaid and CHIP Renewal Requirements

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released an informational bulletin that provides information on the timing and expectations for all states to achieve compliance with all federal renewal requirements. All states are required to complete a compliance assessment, demonstrate compliance with federal Medicaid and CHIP renewal requirements described at 42 C.F.R. §§ 435.916 and 457.343 and submit a plan outlining steps and milestones for addressing identified areas of non-compliance to CMS by December 31, 2024. CMS also released a compliance template, which states should use to submit the compliance plan and a slide deck to serve as an additional resource on renewal compliance guidance.

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Inform USA Releases Version 10.0 Standards for Professional Information and Referral

On July 25, the summary of high-level changes in Version 10.0 of Inform USA Standards was released. The Standards provide guideposts to quality and define expected practices within the field of Information and Referral (I&R). Quality Indicators provide examples of processes or outcomes that can determine quality. The Standards offer a framework for best practices in the I&R industry and are used across sectors. The Standards serve as the foundation for credentialing programs, including Inform USA Accreditation for I&R programs and Inform USA Certification for individual practitioners.

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ACL Releases NIDILRR Toolkit

On March 26, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) announced the release of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Toolkit. The purpose of the toolkit is to tell NIDILRR's story, including NIDILRR’s history, role, framework, work, publications, and resources. Although the information is available through the NIDILRR webpage, grantee websites, and several publications, this toolkit provides the information in one place. The toolkit is intended to be used as an educational resource for stakeholders who may benefit from learning about NIDILRR and its resources and as a communication tool for stakeholders who want to inform others about NIDILRR’s work and resources.

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Planning After a Dementia Diagnosis

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has released a comprehensive guide titled "Planning After a Dementia Diagnosis," which provides essential information for individuals and families navigating life after a dementia diagnosis. Covering health care planning, financial considerations, long-term care planning, and end-of-life planning, this resource underscores the importance of early preparation. It also offers detailed guidance on advance directives, financial planning tools, strategies for long-term care, and tips and checklists that can help individuals get started on what to do after an Alzheimer’s or related dementia diagnosis.

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Older Americans Month 2024

Every May, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM). The 2024 theme is Powered by Connection, which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. ACL will explore the vital role that connectedness plays in supporting independence and aging in place by combatting isolation, loneliness, and other issues.

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Accommodation and Compliance Series: Disability Inclusion

A new set of resources from the ODEP-funded Job Accommodation Network (JAN) explores disability in the context of broader diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) initiatives. These resources discuss the critical role accommodations play in fostering a disability-inclusive workplace culture and centralize information available to help employers create a more equitable and accessible work environment. They also provide real-life examples of accommodations that were made by JAN customers...

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New No Surprises Act Toolkit for Consumer Advocates

On November 9, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released a No Surprises Act (NSA) toolkit to help assisters and advocates who work with consumers faced with surprise medical bills. The toolkit is divided into the following sections:Introductory language about the NSA and how to use the toolkit; Documents that describe the key protections, how the protections apply to various consumers, and the status of implementation; Decision trees to help assess consumers’ situations regarding the various provisions; Documents to help consumers interact with the No Surprises Help Desk and file a complaint;...

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Resources for Advocates in Guardianship Awareness Month

During Guardianship Awareness Month in October, the National Center on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER) is offering a range of resources for advocates. These resources include recordings of NCLER's ACL-LSC training series, which cover topics like representing clients with differing decisional capabilities and defending against or terminating guardianship. Additionally, advocates can access a Guardianship Awareness Resource Guide, developed in partnership with the National Center on Elder Abuse, featuring trainings, podcasts, and publications related to guardianship and its alternatives. These resources aim to empower advocates in their efforts to reduce barriers, promote autonomy, and protect the civil rights of older adults.

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