Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Consumers as Providers Training Program - Wisconsin

An exciting new trend in community mental health services is the increasing use of "Peer Specialists" on treatment teams serving people with mental illness. Peer Specialists use their own recovery experiences, along with specialized mental health training, to provide services that are strengths based and recovery oriented. To learn more, explore the attached presentation, article, and mentoring plan.

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Health Care and Working Webinars - Utah

Contained in these attachments are links to several examples of Webinars broadcasted in the state of Utah and aimed at individuals with disabilities interested in working while keeping their Health Care benefits. Included is information on Medicaid and working, Medicaid Work Incentive, Employment Personal Assistance Services, how employment affects recipients of Medicare and more.

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2011 AoA, CMS, VA National Grantee Meeting – Archived Presentations

The AoA, CMS, and VA National Grantee Meeting was February 14-17, 2011. Use the attached links to find presentations from the 2011 sessions, available in PDF. Topics range from home and community-based services, evidence based care transition models, person-centered planning, aging and disability partnerships, and supporting caregivers. Full titles are available in the keywords section.

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Employment First Summit - Kansas

How is Kansas engaging the disabled community? The Kansas Medicaid Infrastructure Grant and the Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities created a summit in order to provide information on the services available in the state that aim to establish integrated competitive employment as the first priority for Kansans with disabilities. Review full agenda and complete list of handouts and presentations can be reviewed.

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CHOICES – Tennessee Long Term Care Services Program

In June 2008, Tennessee passed legislation restructuring LTC service delivery, including the expansion of HCBS services by integrating LTC within a managed care environment and providing consumer direction options. In March 2010, the state implemented the CHOICES program, wherein persons enrolled in TennCare that needed LTC services would receive them through a managed care organization. Review a presentation given at the 2010 HCBS conference and the CHOICES website.

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Peer Support Whole Health, Recovery & Transformation

PSWH is a person-centered planning process that looks comprehensively at a person’s health life-style, focuses on a person’s strengths, interests and natural supports, stresses creating new health life-style habits and disciplines, and provides peer support delivered by peer specialists to promote self-directed whole health. Attached find a presentation given at the 2010 HCBS conference and an information sheet.

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TCARE®in Georgia: Changing Practice to Changing Policy

Care management has been recognized as a valuable service in supporting family members who care for their older adult relatives. TCARE® is a caregiver assessment and referral protocol designed to assist care managers. The major goal of TCARE® is to provide care managers with a set of steps that are needed to move from the assessment to the implementation of a care plan. Find a presentation on Georgia’s experience with their person-centered initiative and use of the protocol

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Employment and Social Security Information for Youth - Florida

How is Florida helping their youth with disabilities to transition into the job market and find employment? Find a presentation with information on applying for SSI benefits and work incentives, helpful hints regarding job interviews, as well as sample resumes. These resources could be useful to other states seeking to address this demographic.

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Disability and HR: Guidelines for Human Resources Professionals - Florida

Review a presentation aimed at educating human resource workers on how to properly recruit and work with individuals with disabilities. Information is provided on the Americans with Disabilities Act, hiring individuals with disabilities, reasonable accommodations, etc.. Also attached is a quiz on the information that could be used to test HR professionals’ knowledge.

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