Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Information Follows the Person: Advancing LTSS Integrated Electronic Records

This invitational symposium, sponsored by the Hilltop Institute, aims to examine the status of LTSS integrated record systems, prospects for future development, and ways to ensure that this new source of information is available to those who need it most. Electronic health record research and development, as well as government and private funding, is ubiquitous. Not so well-attended is the need to modernize, standardize, and integrate non-medical services records in the LTSS sector.

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Building a National Agenda for Supporting Families with a Member with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This document outlines recommendations from the Johnson Foundation's Wingspread Conference to ensure that individuals with I/DD are fully integrated into society and the recognition of their families' role in their lives. Review the action steps and accomplishments.

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Financial Management Services (FMS) Conference - 2011

The NRCPDS hosted the 4th Biennial Financial Management Services Conference in November 2011. The day and a half long conference featured workshops with participant direction tax experts from the Internal Revenue Service as well as with other Financial Management Services specialists and experts. Review the archived presentation slides for an overview of the content.

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Medicaid and Medicare Resource Use for Dual Eligibles in Maryland

This presentation, delivered by Charles Milligan to the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) in Washington, D.C., addressed the issue of coordinating long-term care for persons eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibles). Milligan discussed Hilltop's research on Medicare/Medicaid cross-payer effects that found that Medicare and Medicaid financing do not align to promote home and community-based services.

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Rebalancing Long-Term Services and Supports: Progress to Date and a Research Agenda for the Future

This report, which was presented at the Long-Term Care Interest Group Colloquium at the June 2011 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in Seattle, Washington, discusses progress in rebalancing Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) spending, how the Affordable Care Act can support states’ continued efforts to rebalance LTSS, and opportunities for future research to support continued system transformation.

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Identifying Effective Health Care Services for Adults with Disabilities Choosing Wisely: Why Study Designs and Outcome Measures Matter

Adults with disabilities have diverse, complex, and expensive needs for health care services, costing the health care system $398 billion in 2006. This group, which represented 14 percent of the adult population in 2008, will grow larger in the future. This report discusses study designs and outcome measures that can be used to address different comparative research questions. Policymakers, practitioners, and the public need a better understanding of what works for study designs.

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Making Connections. Improving Lives: 2011 AoA Health and Dementia Grantee Meeting Resources

Looking to boost your healthy aging program? Find free tips on business planning, creating partnerships, using data to tell your story, tapping opportunities in Medicaid and health reform, and increasing consumer demand from our Center for Healthy Aging. The Center has posted presentations and resources from a recent grantee meeting for free download.

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Responding to Community Health Needs within the Framework of the Affordable Care Act (ACA): A One-Day Symposium

The ACA creates a new framework to address community health needs as an integral component of the success of overall health reform. This symposium was designed to address current broad-based attempts to advance healthy communities and healthy living, which are less recognized contributions of the ACA than activities such as coverage expansion, health insurance regulation and reform, and changes in medical practice and payment. Learn more about the agenda and view the presentations.

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