Consumer/Participant Direction

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Pennsylvania- Resource Counseling and Financial Assitance for Informal Caregivers

This report describes the State of Pennsylvania’s Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP), administered by the Department of Aging, that offers a comprehensive service package with specific funding and services for family caregivers. FCSP uses state & recently available federal funds to allow the caregiver to choose the services needed to help care for an older relative at home and provide financial assistance with out-of-pocket expenses. Early program evaluation found the services effective.

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Exploring the Opportunities: Affordable, Accessible, and Integrated Housing 101-Parts 1&2

This 2-part presentation series provides basic information about housing opportunities, including options for affordable, accessible and integrated housing. This program is intended to educate people about the process of the money flow from the Federal Government down to the local communities and how one can access some of those funds. The presenters discuss the private and public sectors in simple language that is easy to understand.

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Personal Assistants Registry Link

User-run personal assistance requires awareness, knowledge and skills on the part of persons with extensive disabilities. For this reason the Personal Assistance Network was started for compiling an internet-based library with legal texts, training manuals for assistance users, international examples of assistance delivery schemes, etc and developed interactive services, like this Registry Link.

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Analysis of Five State\'s Licensing/Certification Processes and Requirements

HSRI conducted a study of five states that made significant changes in their licensing requirements to be more person-centered and outcome-based. The study addressed these questions: What outcomes and requirements were commonly incorporated in most states’ licensing regulations and outcomes? What types of services did the states license/certify under these regulations and outcomes? What survey methodologies did the states use? What conclusions and recommendations can be drawn from the study?

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Counseling/Fiscal Agent Initial Readiness Review Manual

Initial Readiness Review for Counseling/Fiscal Agent in Arkansas Cash and Counseling Demonstration. The purpose of the CFA Initial Readiness Review is to determine whether the vendor selected by the Division has developed and implemented the systems and policies and procedures necessary to act as a CFA in accordance with the provision of the State’s RFP and the CFA contract.

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Independence Plus 1915 (c) Waiver Template

This is the Official CMS Template for 1915 (c)Waivers. This initiative expedites the ability of states to offer families with a member who requires long-term supports and services, or individuals who require long-term supports and services, greater opportunities to take charge of their own health and direct their own services. Families and individuals will exercise greater choice, control and responsibility for their services within cost neutral standards.

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Independence Plus 1115 Demonstration Template

This is the Official CMS 1115 Demonstration Template. This initiative expedites the ability of states to offer families with a member who requires long-term supports and services, or individuals who require long-term supports and services, greater opportunities to take charge of their own health and direct their own services. Families and individuals will exercise greater choice, control and responsibility for their services within cost neutral standards.

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Real Choice Systems Grant Program: First Year Report (10/1/01-9/30/02)

The Formative Evaluation of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants evaluates how the Systems Change grantees are progressing towards meeting their goals. The Formative Evaluation identifies problems faced by the grantees and ways that they deal with the problems. The purpose of this report is to describe the progress fiscal year (FY) 2001 Grantees have made on their activities during the first year of the three-year Grant period (October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002.)

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