Consumer/Participant Direction

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Guiding Principles for Partnerships with Unions and Emerging Worker Organizations When Individuals Direct Their Own Services and Supports

These Guiding Principles were developed to help to preserve the rights of individuals under participant direction, no matter what form or model, if and when workers choose to form a union. The NRCPDS cover letter, Guiding Principles, and NRCPDS Director Kevin Mahoney's signing ceremony remarks are available here.

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The Balancing Incentive Program: Implementation Manual

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, along with Mission Analytics Group & Human Services Research Institute, created an implementation manual for the Balancing Incentive Program. The Program encourages states to increase the percentage of long-term care dollars going to home & community-based services through making additional Federal Medical Assistance Percentages available to States that are currently lower performing. This manual aims to help States make the most of this Program.

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Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Services: A Primer, 2010 Edition

This Primer has been updated to include all relevant statutory, regulatory and other policy changes that have occurred in the last 10 years in Medicaid home and community services. Given the significance of recent changes, this Primer will be an even more useful tool for all those working to ensure that people with disabilities can live in the most integrated settings appropriate to their needs.

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Shared Decision-Making in Mental Health Care

Shared decision-making provides an approach through which providers and consumers of health care come together as collaborators in determining the course of care. Research has shown that SDM increases consumers’ knowledge about and comfort with the health care decisions they make. By placing mental health consumers at the center of the decision-making process, SDM provides a model through which multiple calls for transformation of the mental health field might be answered.

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Advancing Person-Centered Living -

Person-centered living (PCL) is a way of life centered on personal preferences and values that stress dignity, choice, self-determination and individuality. In one stop, use this national resource to find important information regarding PCL. Resources are directed towards consumers, caregivers, and professionals. This website also provides ways to connect with other consumers and caregivers.

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Our Life Our Choice Newsletter - Idaho

In December, 2010 Idaho put out this first edition of a newsletter aimed at providing outreach to consumers regarding Personal Assistance Services (PAS). This newsletter shares personal stories about individuals who are actively involved in Idaho’s local communities because Medicaid offers PAS. May be replicable by other states looking for ideas on how to share personal stories

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Helping Consumers Manage Long-Term Services and Supports in the Community: State Medicaid Program Activities

The Medicaid program is a source for many innovative practices in making long-term services and supports (LTSS) available to consumers. Case management services have been integral to Medicaid community-based LTSS programs since their inception, but as the programs have grown and evolved the functions performed by case managers have changed. This brief describes current case management efforts in states and activities and policies that can enhance states’ efforts to help consumers.

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