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The Coverage to Care (C2C) Patient Resource Available in 6 New Languages

The Coverage to Care (C2C) patient resource released earlier this year, Telehealth: What to Know for Your Family, is now available in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, and Vietnamese, as well as English and Spanish. This resource helps patients learn about the types of care they can receive through telehealth, how to prepare for an appointment, and what to expect during a telehealth visit.

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HHS Launches Hotline to Improve Access to COVID-19 Vaccines for People with Disabilities

The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) connects callers to information about how to access the COVID-19 vaccine and related supports for people with disabilities. DIAL connects callers to vaccine sites and provides information related to barriers to vaccination by referring callers to local and national disability resources. | 888-677-1199 from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET |

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COVID-19 Vaccine & Disability Survey: Vaccine Hesitancy Among Adults with Disabilities

The American Association on Health and Disability released their findings from the AAHD Vaccine Hesitancy Survey Among Adults with Disabilities, an online study of the perspectives of adults with disabilities on the COVID-19 vaccine. Their Vaccine Hesitancy Among Adults with Disabilities Research report explores general vaccine hesitancy, distrust and barriers to vaccine access among adults with disabilities.

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New Legal Guidance and Resources to Expand Access to COVID-19 Vaccines for People with Disabilities and Older Adults

ACL, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) have published new resources to help states, vaccination providers, and others leading COVID-19 response activities improve access to vaccines for people with disabilities and older adults. These resources clarify legal requirements, explain barriers to vaccine access and provide examples of how the aging and disability network can help increase access.

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Creating an Accessible Vaccine Experience for People with Disabilities and Older Adults

A coalition of aging and disability groups, including ADvancing States, partnered to develop a guide to making vaccination sites fully accessible to older adults and people with disabilities. The recommendations included in the guide address significant gaps in accessibility of vaccine administration sites and can go a long way toward increasing vaccination rates in these vulnerable populations.

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COVID-19 and Vaccine Survey for Adults with Disabilities

The American Association on Health and Disability is concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on persons with disabilities, and has launched a cross disability survey to look at vaccine hesitancy and access challenges people with disabilities are encountering. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the reasons adults with disabilities have or will take the vaccine, are not sure about taking the vaccine, or have decided not to take the vaccine.

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Internet Navigation for the Visually Impaired Resource

NVISION Eye Centers have created a resource page designed to increase access to information on various methods, features, and tools that can be used to improve internet accessibility for the visually impaired. The webpage provides a practical, clear overview of assistive technology options including built-in computer tools, internet browser extensions, and phone apps. There is also a list of references provided on the webpage for independent research.

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A Call To Action to Improve Cultural Relevance and Accessibility

This report explores a range of options for connecting American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian (AI/AN/NH) communities to culturally appropriate health and wellness information. NCOA explores the recommended action steps to move toward more inclusive health education, what we can learn from existing evidence-based programs, and how this intersects with health disparities and limited access to care among indigenous communities.

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