Title VI

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National Title VI Survey Report

USAging, formerly known as n4a, published a new report on findings from the 2020 Title VI Native American Aging Program Survey. The National Title VI Program Survey, conducted approximately every three years, explores trends and evolving needs of Title VI programs across the country. This 2020 Report analyzes data on staffing, budget and services, and the needs of Title VI programs. The survey also gathered data on the impact of the pandemic on Title VI grantees and the older adults they serve.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/72996

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Evaluation of the ACL Title VI Programs: Year 1 Interim Report

In 2016, ACL's Administration on Aging contracted ICF International (ICF) to conduct a participatory evaluation of the Title VI Grant Program. This program provides home and community-based supportive services for older American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian populations. The evaluation addresses topics such as: how tribes/organizations operate their Title VI Programs; the impact of Title VI programs on elders in the community; and more.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/70265

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