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Seeking Submissions: Caregiver Services and Supports Innovations Hub

If you organization offers an innovative caregiver program, service, or intervention submit it for inclusion in USAging's Caregiver Services and Supports Innovations Hub. The Hub functions as an online clearinghouse to facilitate the exchange of programs and development of new caregiver services and supports. USAging provided some examples that may be included (but are not limited to): caregiver peer support and counseling programs, respite alternatives, technology and assistive devices to support caregivers, training courses. Businesses and for-profit entities are not eligible for submission. Questions can be sent to USAging's caregiving team at

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Unique New Online Directory Offers Solutions for Dementia Caregivers

Best Programs for Caregiving ( is a new website from the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging and Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) that provides information about top-rated dementia caregiving programs and services directly to family caregivers. It includes almost 50 evidence-based caregiver support programs across the U.S. that help caregivers access resources, improve their hands-on skills, reduce stress, and navigate caregiving practices. The website includes a zip code look-up feature to identify programs that are offered in-person within a geographic area and essential information about those programs. The website also includes information about 15 programs that are available anywhere in the country...

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New National Caregiver Champion Collaborative Opportunity

USAging invites Aging Network providers and partners who are responsible for the administration of caregiver services and supports to register to join the National Caregiver Champion Collaborative (CCC). With a purpose of facilitating and supporting peer networking and engagement for those leading caregiving services and supports, participants will gather regularly in an affinity group model to share successful strategies and best practices, discuss lessons learned, explore new partnerships, and get insight into the latest research and emerging evidence-based programs. Champions will be encouraged to develop on-going state, regional, or local caregiver efforts focused on enhancing and innovating caregiver services and supports...

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Phone-based Guided Imagery To Improve Family Dementia Caregiver Well-Being

Massachusetts General Hospital, in collaboration with the National Institute on Aging (NIA), is recruiting volunteers for a study examining the effectiveness of a smartphone-based therapy using mindfulness and guided imagery tools to reduce stress, promote the understanding of self and others, and increase feelings of connection for family caregivers of people with dementia. Participants will be randomly assigned to use a smartphone app to receive the guided imagery program or a caregiver skills training for two months. At the start and end of the study and six months later, participants will complete questionnaires about their stress levels, care burden, sleep, and mood.

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A Closer Look at Sandwich Generation Caregivers of Medicare Beneficiaries

AARP recently released a report using qualitative and quantitative data to depict sandwich generation caregivers who are caring for Medicare beneficiaries. The combined dynamics of Americans delaying having children and younger generations taking on caregiving for older adults are leading to a new picture of what it means to be sandwiched between two generations who need daily care. Early research has shown the negative impact the compounded responsibility of caring for an older adult while still caring for young children can have on caregivers’ physical health, well-being, and financial welfare....

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Caregiving in a Diverse America

The National Alliance for Caregiving has published a 2021 national report, "Caregiving in a Diverse America: Beginning to Understand the Systemic Challenges Facing Family Caregivers," which was based on results of the Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 study. The report analyzes the experience of over 800 caregiver respondents of different socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, and gender. The report also includes additional literature on diverse caregiving and research recommendations.

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Older Adults’ Equity Collaborative Resource Library

Funded by ACL, this resource library collects digital materials from the Older Adults' Equity Collaborative member organizations to provide tools and guidance to the aging services network, providers, older adults and family caregivers. The resources included cover topics of social isolation and mental health, Alzheimer's and Dementia, disabilities, caregiving, retirement income and security, and emergency planning.

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In Support of Caregivers: Key Accomplishments of Lifespan Respite Grantees

This report captures State Grantee accomplishments, highlighting the knowledge, commitment, ingenuity, and skillful stewardship and administration of resources. Through their work, state Lifespan Respite grantees provide evidence of the merit of the Lifespan Respite Care Program, and inform our path forward.

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HHS Could Enhance Support for Grandparents and Other Relative Caregivers

This report analyzes the challenges grandparents and older relatives face as primary caregivers. The report outlines the numbers of grandparent and older relative caregivers, and the reasons for this care. It also examines how HHS supports state efforts to use federal programs and initiatives to assist these caregivers. GAO concludes the report by making recommendations for how HHS could improve the sharing of information and best practices about older caregivers with states.

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