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Social Services Program Division Director, State of Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS)

The State of Connecticut Department of Social Services is seeking a Social Services Program Division Director for the Division of Health Services, Community Options Unit to direct the design, development, and implementation of state and federal programs. This position requires ten years of professional experience in social or human services programs and two years of general experience in a managerial capacity. An ideal candidate would have experience with Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), HCBS policy, and executing large projects with $5 million or more budgets.

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States Use Appendix Ks to Provide Innovative Flexibilities for Medicaid Enrollees and Caregivers during COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, states have used the Appendix K Emergency Preparedness and Response authority to amend Medicaid 1915(c) home- and community-based services (HCBS) waivers and quickly provide more flexible services and supports to Medicaid enrollees and, indirectly, their caregivers. The Appendix K amendment was developed to reduce states’ administrative burdens during a crisis by enabling states to rapidly modify or add services provided through Medicaid waivers.

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Selected Characteristics of 10 States With the Greatest Change in Long-Term Services and Supports System Balancing, 2012–2016

The Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services released a report that profiled the 10 states with the greatest change in Long-Term Services and Support (LTSS) system balancing. The report highlights characteristics of the 10 states and compares their change in LTSS system balancing with other states and provides a national overview on LTSS system balancing. State profiles consist of characteristics and strategies states utilized in their progress towards rebalancing their LTSS systems.

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Home and Community-Based Services Beyond Medicaid: How StateFunded Programs Help Low-Income Adults with Care Needs Live at Home

This paper focuses on how state-funded home and community-based services programs can support low-income older adults. It highlights promising practices that support maximum independence for low-income older adults and/or people with physical disabilities and their family caregivers. The paper explores programs across nine states, including Washington state’s emerging innovation: the Medicaid Transformation demonstration.

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State Employment First Policies: State Definitions, Goals, and Values

This brief discusses the introduction of Employment First policies in seven states and explores each state’s values, mission, and goals around increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. It is a useful tool both for states wishing to bolster their Employment First efforts and for those looking to begin developing Employment First policies.

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Medicaid: CMS Should Take Additional Steps to Improve Assessments of Individuals’ Needs for Home- and Community-Based Services

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) examined states’ needs assessment processes for provision of long-term services and supports. GAO studied six states that differed in the following ways: assessment tools in use, participation in federal initiatives, HCBS delivery systems, and geographic location. GAO also reviewed federal requirements and documents and interviewed CMS officials and stakeholders.

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Priced Out: The Housing Crisis for People with Disabilities

This report documents the nationwide housing affordability crisis experienced by people with disabilities. The report discusses how in 2016, millions of adults with disabilities living solely on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) found that renting even a modest unit in their community would require nearly all of their monthly income. The report offers policy recommendations to address this crisis.

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Report to the President and Congress: The Money Follows the Person (MFP) Rebalancing Demonstration

This report presents the findings and conclusions of this national evaluation of the MFP demonstration. The MFP Rebalancing Demonstration program launched more than nine years ago. There are 44 grantee states, and as of the end of calendar year 2015, grantee states had transitioned a total of 63,337 Medicaid beneficiaries from long-term institutional care to community residences and home and community-based LTSS.

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No Wrong Door: Supporting Community Living for Veterans

This paper from AARP describes promising practices on how aging and disability network agencies, Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs), and Veteran Benefits Offices in seven states have forged partnerships to better support Veterans in community living. The paper includes a checklist for these local organizations to enhance collaboration and truly create a “no wrong door” for Veterans and their family caregivers to receive services in the community.

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