Person Centered Planning

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Supporting Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Their Aging Caregivers

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released a set of resources addressing the needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) living with, and receiving care from, aging parents or guardians. The resources cover a range of topics, including interagency partnerships, engagement and navigation support, person- and family-centered support systems, and future planning, all designed to aid state Medicaid and partner agencies in better serving this population. The resource set also describes state policies and practices for understanding current and future service system needs for serving adults with I/DD and aging caregivers, as well as policies for states to implement person-centered planning...

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Toolkit: Listening to Riders and Providers

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center released a new publication that provides a synthesis of intensive focus groups and stakeholder meetings on the transportation experiences of older adults, and younger adults with disabilities. The report is part of NADTC’s continued DEI initiative and gives greater insight into the national transportation landscape for older adults.

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What Happens When COVID-19 Emergency Declarations End? Implications for Coverage, Costs, and Access

KFF released a brief “What Happens When COVID-19 Emergency Declarations End? Implications for Coverage, Costs, and Access” (January 31, 2023) that the describes the major health-related COVID-19 emergency declarations made by the federal government since January 2020, and the flexibilities resulting from the declarations. The areas covered in the brief include coverage, costs, and payment for COVID-19 testing, treatments, and vaccines; Medicaid coverage and federal match rates; and telehealth, among other provisions. According to KFF, the list does not include all federal policy and regulatory provisions made in response to COVID-19 emergency declarations.

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Request for Information: Person-Centered Care Planning for Multiple Chronic Conditions

AHRQ is seeking public comments about comprehensive, longitudinal, person-centered care planning for people at risk for or living with multiple chronic conditions. The request for information seeks comments on the current state of care planning for people at risk for or living with multiple chronic conditions across settings of care.

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The Influence of Disability Models on Person-Centeredness in Home and Community-Based Services

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Home and Community-Based Services has released their first issue brief. The brief explores the medical, social, and biopsychosocial models of disability, their relationship with evolving frameworks of person-centeredness, and implications for providers and others who deliver services and supports.

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Culture and Person-Centered Practices Video Series

Acknowledging and understanding an individual's racial and cultural identities is essential for providing person-centered supports with cultural competence. There are limited resources that directly address the intersection of culture, language, and identity with person-centered practice. The NCAPPS community has published a series of short videos that narrate how personcenteredness relates to race and culture. More videos will be released over the next several month.

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Five Competency Domains for Staff Who Facilitate Person-Centered Planning

This resource was developed for human service agency leadership whose role is directing the organization and delivery of services and supports. The five competency domains include: Strengths-Based, Culturally Informed, Whole Person-Focused; Cultivating Connections Inside the System and Out; Rights, Choice, and Control; Partnership, Teamwork, Communication, and Facilitation; and Documentation, Implementation, and Monitoring.

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Person-Centered Practices Self-Assessment

This resource aims to help human service agencies in states, tribes, and territories to measure their progress in developing person-centered systems. The Self-Assessment was designed to be used by staff at all levels. The Self-Assessment measures progress in eight different domains: Leadership; Person-Centered Culture; Eligibility & Service Access; Person-Centered Service Planning & Monitoring; Finance; Workforce Capacity and Capabilities; Collaboration & Partnership; and Quality & Innovation

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Person-Centered Planning Facilitation: Summary of Research and Findings

In support of technical assistance to Idaho, the NCAPPS team prepared a Person-Centered Planning Facilitation Report which explores the experience of states that have specifically included plan facilitators in their HCBS waivers – including the circumstance under which the states deploy plan facilitators, the rates paid to facilitators, and the training requirements.

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Engaging People Who Receive Services: A Best Practice Guide

The purpose of this Guide is to assist State, Tribal, and Territory human service systems to fully and effectively including people who receive services in system planning and improvement efforts. It is relevant for all systems that support older adults and people with disabilities. This guide was originally developed as part of technical assistance activities through the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS)

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