Aging and Disability Resource Center

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grants: Presentation and Resources

This presentation on Medicaid Infrastructure Grants (MIG) presents information regarding what ADRCs need to know about work incentive programs for individuals with disabilities. The presentation was part of the ADRC TA program and was delivered in November 2008. Additionally, a link is included to an informational website for the Ticket to Work Incentives Improvement Act.

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Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)-Ticket to Work Site

The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Projects or WIPAs were funded by 104 new grants awarded throughout the U.S. and the U.S. territories in 2006 to this SSA grantee program. These grants were created to assist SSA disability beneficiaries by providing information about work incentives, benefits planning, and making good choices about work. This website is a resource for consumers, providers and employment and vocational networks.

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National Resource Directory for Veterans Website

The U.S. Department of Labor has joined with the U.S. Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs to launch a Web-based directory to help wounded warriors identify resources available to assist them in transitioning back to civilian life. The National Resource Directory encompasses more than 10,000 services and resources, including information on benefits and compensation, education, training and employment, family ad caregiver support, health, housing and transportation, service and resources.

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Public Policy and Aging Report: Aging Services Network

Four articles provide an update of where the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Aging Network stand in the face of demographic, economic, and health care issues. The first two cover the history of the legislative and budgetary developments of the network and report on a national survey of Area Agencies on Aging. The third summarizes political vagaries that network agencies encounter. The last advocates that civic engagement efforts must expand to cover disadvantaged and vulnerable older adults.

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Arkansas State Plan on Aging 2008-2011

The Older Americans Act (OAA) requires states to submit a Plan on Aging every 1-4 years focused on reforming long-term care to help keep older people independent. Arkansas presents information on their organization, programs, goals, funding, and people served. Their plan covers areas including Cash & Counseling, Money Follows the Person, transportation planning, disaster preparedness, and others.

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Choices in Living – Arkansas Resource Center Website

This website directs people on how to find information related to aging and disabilities resources in AK using the phone or email. A list of topics for which one can find information is included, as well as documents about services eligibility. Also included here are directions to using the program that were written as a column in the publication "Aging Arkansas."

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Client Satisfaction / Program Evaluation Plan for Case Managed Programs at the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas, Inc.

This document describes new processes developed at an Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in Florida to ensure that clients are receiving quality case management services. The report contains flow diagrams depicting evaluation process for monthly home visits, provider review during annual monitoring, and complaint tracking as well as the new client satisfaction process which is to implemented annually.

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Family Support 360 Presentation: TA Call on Emergency Preparedness with Commissioner Morrissey

This is a presentation hosted by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities and their TA providers, BETAH Associates, which includes a discussion of emergency preparedness, with a focus on individuals with disabilities. The presentation was given by Patricia A. Morrissey, Commissioner of the federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities. The last few slides contain a list of additional resources.

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