No Wrong Door system

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New Resource for State Medicaid Programs

The Administration for Community Living with the support from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the National Association of Medicaid Directors has developed a resource for state Medicaid programs that details the benefits of leveraging Medicaid administrative claiming for No Wrong Door (NWD) System functions. The resource includes how state and community-based partners can obtain federal reimbursement for activities performed in support of Medicaid. Organizations like area agencies on aging, aging and disability resource centers, centers for independent living, etc. can benefit from this type of federal reimbursement.

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Rhode Island: State Medicaid Agency Plays a Pivotal Role in Enhancing Access through No Wrong Door Development

This promising practice profile describes the Rhode Island No Wrong Door system including key partners, the state’s long-term services and supports interagency reform initiative, and the state’s approach to person-centered options counseling. The profile includes links to important resources such as the state’s Person-Centered Options Counseling Operational Manual and the No Wrong Door System Strategic Plan.

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