Psychiatric Disabilities/Mental Illness

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Arkansas Department of Human Services Homepage

This site provides links and information on services available in the state including: Aging, Blind, Children, Childcare, Development Disabilities, Employment Search, Family Services, Juvenile Offenders, Mental Illness, Nursing Home Residents, Rehabilitation, Transportation, Volunteers. Users can also determine if they are eligible for DHS services.

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Alaska Department of Behavioral Health Website

On July 1, 2003, the Alaska Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and the Mental Health aspect of the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities merged into a new Division. Services previously carried out by each of these divisions will be carried out under the new Division of Behavioral Health. In addition, the Office of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, formerly under the Commissioner's Office, also joined the Division. Details and other information available on the website linke below.

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