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Three Questions About Medicaid Unwinding: What We Know and What to Expect

This KFF policy watch examines three key questions to monitor as states navigate the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment provision initiated during the COVID-19 public health emergency. Examining changes in Medicaid enrollment, the report notes a nearly 10% decline in Medicaid enrollment nationally, with significant state-level variations. As states progress through renewals, the article emphasizes the unpredictable trajectory of Medicaid enrollment at the process's conclusion, acknowledging the potential return to pre-pandemic levels. Confronting challenges posed by procedural disenrollments and new enrollments, the report explores the implications for Medicaid participation and broader trends in healthcare coverage...

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Engaging People Who Receive Services: A Best Practice Guide

The purpose of this Guide is to assist State, Tribal, and Territory human service systems to fully and effectively including people who receive services in system planning and improvement efforts. It is relevant for all systems that support older adults and people with disabilities. This guide was originally developed as part of technical assistance activities through the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS)

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