Elder Abuse

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2019 NAMRS Report

ACL released a report of data collected by the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System. This report details the finding from the fourth year (2019) of data collected by NAMRS. NAMRS is the only comprehensive national initiative compiling data on the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older adults and adults with disabilities as reported to adult protective services. Data collected by NAMRS include quantitative and qualitative responses on many areas within adult protective services.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/72180

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Factsheets for AAPI Older Adults, Caregivers, and Aging Organizations

These resources are designed for AAPI Older Adults, Caregivers, and Aging Organizations. The fact sheets cover the issues of emotional abuse, neglect, and how caregivers of those with dementia can care for themselves. The fact sheets are available in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Samoan, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and English.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/71805

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Rural and Tribal Elder Justice Resource Guide

This guide was created in conjunction with the Rural and Tribal Elder Justice Summit. The goal of the summit was to enhance the ability of elder justice professionals to respond to the unique needs of older adults residing in rural and tribal communities by sharing best practices and proposing innovative strategies to fill the identified gaps in service needs. This guide provides information and resources on the challenges rural and tribal communities face in responding to elder abuse.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/70927

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Understanding and Working with Adult Protective Services

This three-part brief provides information on how collaborating with APS can help older adults and adults with disabilities who are subjected to abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Part one gives a general overview of APS, including program functions, policies, and practices. The second part covers APS abuse reporting, intake, screening, triaging, and investigation processes. The third and final section of this brief focuses on the importance of collaborating with APS during interventions.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/70857

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Elder Justice Compendium

The Elder Justice Compendium is a resource hub for civil legal aid attorneys and advocates working with older adults. The Compendium provides an overview of existing resources that are available to attorneys who are assisting victims of elder abuse. It is divided into different topic sections with a brief introduction to each subject area followed descriptions of available resources. Example topic areas include guardianship, scams, and client-centered advocacy.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/70849

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Report and Recommendations: Fighting Elder Financial Exploitation through Community Networks

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released a report about how to fight elder financial exploitation by using community networks. CFPB also offered specific recommendations as to existing networks and stakeholders to assist in the fight against exploitation.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/68481

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Elder Justice: A John A. Hartford Foundation Change AGEnts Issue Brief

The John A. Hartford Foundation recently released Elder Justice: A John A. Hartford Foundation Change AGEnts Issue Brief. A startling statistic shows, "that at least 2 million older adults (one in 10 people over the age of 60) is abused or mistreated each year." This brief was generated from two gatherings of elder justice thought leaders aimed to help The John A. Hartford Foundation plan a course of action that builds on the strengths of existing efforts and funded programs.

Short URL: http://www.nasuad.org/node/67443


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