Business Acumen

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Becoming a Medicare Fee-For-Service Provider: What CBOs Need to Know

This guide highlights the benefits and opportunities available for CBOs interested in providing services under Medicare FFS. It describes important considerations including billing and filing processes, culture change, and regulatory compliance. The guide also reviews how to enroll as a Medicare provider and outlines which services CBOs can offer.

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Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Cost Report Instructions

"This document provides guidance to CCBHCs on how to use the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) cost report for the two Certified Clinic Prospective Payment System (CCPPS) rate methodologies—CC PPS-1 and CC PPS-2. The cost report may be used to determine the clinic-specific PPS rate and to annually report demonstration costs. These payment rates were provided through the Demonstration Program to Improve Community Mental Health Services."

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Business Improvement Tools and Techniques: A Comparison Across Sectors and Industries

The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness, usage, perceived effectiveness and potential future use of improvement tools and techniques via two sets of comparisons: between public and private sector organisations, and between manufacturers and service organisations.

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Fundamentals of Community-Based Managed Care: A Field Guide

The Spring 2018 issue of Generations, the quarterly journal of the American Society on Aging, is divided into three main parts. These three sections are building community partnerships, building business practices, and examples of successful CBO use of business acumen. This issue also has a special focus on how the social determinants of health influence the experience of older adults in the community.

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