Best Practices

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New National Caregiver Champion Collaborative Opportunity

USAging invites Aging Network providers and partners who are responsible for the administration of caregiver services and supports to register to join the National Caregiver Champion Collaborative (CCC). With a purpose of facilitating and supporting peer networking and engagement for those leading caregiving services and supports, participants will gather regularly in an affinity group model to share successful strategies and best practices, discuss lessons learned, explore new partnerships, and get insight into the latest research and emerging evidence-based programs. Champions will be encouraged to develop on-going state, regional, or local caregiver efforts focused on enhancing and innovating caregiver services and supports...

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CMS Announces New Actions to Help Hospitals Meet Obligations under EMTALA

On January 22, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that, together with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), it will launch a series of actions to educate the public about their rights to emergency medical care and to help support efforts of hospitals to meet their obligations under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). This comprehensive plan was developed in response to a growing number of inquiries from patients and providers to CMS about how they can ensure that federal obligations were being met...

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Developing a Master Plan for Aging Tool

CHCS has published a new tool to assist states in planning and implementing a Master Plan for Aging (MPA). A MPA is a cross-sector, state-led strategic planning resource that can help states transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for their aging population and people with disabilities. This tool outlines core principles to guide the MPA development process and shares best practices for cross-sector MPA development through state examples.

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Engaging People Who Receive Services: A Best Practice Guide

The purpose of this Guide is to assist State, Tribal, and Territory human service systems to fully and effectively including people who receive services in system planning and improvement efforts. It is relevant for all systems that support older adults and people with disabilities. This guide was originally developed as part of technical assistance activities through the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS)

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