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NCI-AD Webinars

The National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) is an initiative designed to support states’ interest in assessing the performance of their programs and delivery systems in order to improve services for older adults and individuals with physical disabilities. NCI-AD is a collaborative effort between ADvancing States and HSRI. The following is an archive of webinars about the NCI-AD initiative.

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National I&R Center Technology in Practice Profiles

ADvancing States’s National Information and Referral Support Center has published a set of promising practice profiles stemming from the Technology in Practice: Contest to Identify Promising Practices in the Use of Technology in Aging and Disability I&R/A Programs. The contest was designed to identify promising practices in the use of technology in information and referral/assistance (I&R/A) programs serving older adults, people with disabilities, and family and friend caregivers.

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2015 Annual Disabilities Statistics Compendium

The Compendium is a web-based tool that pools disability statistics published by various federal agencies together in one place. This one-stop tool makes it easier for individuals to find data relating to persons with disabilities. This year's compendium includes aging data for the first time with over 100 tables representing age ranges. Additionally, the 2015 Disability Statistics Annual Report accompanies the Compendium.

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The Aging Network in Transition: Hanging in the Balance

This white paper examines the progress that is being made in the Aging Network. This paper covers key developments that are re-shaping the network as well as efforts to better measure the quality and value of its programs and services. The paper also includes: Case studies highlighting the work of the aging network in Florida, Massachusetts and California, discussion of quality initiatives and congressional actions, and concluding observations.

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2015 White House Conference on Aging Final Report

The White House released the final report from the White House Conference on Aging (WHCOA). President Barack Obama hosted the sixth WHCOA on July 13, 2015. Prior to the conference, events were hosted all over the United States to allow stakeholders to provide their input. The final report summarizes the work done both at the WHCOA and during the pre-conference activities and feedback elicited throughout the process.

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State Healthy Aging Workshop Summary Report

The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), ADvancing States, and ODPHP, hosted a State Healthy Aging Workshop. State officials developed action plans for healthy aging that achieve shared goals of the state public health agency and the state aging agency. This report provides an overview of the state team planning outcomes and an evaluation of the workshop activities and presentations.

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The United States of Aging Survey 2015

The National Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), the National Council on Aging (NCOA), and UnitedHealthcare released a survey that collected data through telephone interviews from 1,650 older adults and influencers on aging.The survey posed opinion based questions about the process of aging. The results reflect that 86 percent of respondents felt prepared for aging; however, 40 percent were most concerned about maintaining physical health and over 30 percent worried about mental health and memory.

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Principles for Improving Financing and Delivery of Long Term Services and Supports and Vision of a Better Future for People Needing Long Term Services and Supports

Convergence Center for Policy Resolution and the Long Term Care Financing Collaborative released two papers regarding the affordability and vision for delivery of long term care in the United States. The papers reflect the idea that the role of families and communities must be recognized when delivering long term services and supports. Additionally, giving elders the ability to finance their own care increases independence and autonomy and allows for support of family members and communities.

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